As you may or may not have already heard, the building that The Dept. and Cal’s Pharmacy have occupied for the last 9 years was sold a few months ago. The new building owners weren’t going to immediately occupy the building and were able to allow the park to remain open but beginning next month will have to start some re-modeling work to re-purpose the space and need to have the course removed to do so. Work on the course removal will begin next week so this Sunday August 15th will be the last day the park will be open to skate. [NOTE: CAL’S PHARMACY WILL REMAIN OPEN..ONLY THE DEPT. IS CLOSING]
Obviously this is a huge bummer to many skaters in Portland’s skateboarding community. The Dept. always strove to be a positive contributor to that community and will continue to do so in whatever way it can in the future.
The Dept. and Cal’s Pharmacy would like to extend their eternal gratitude to the previous building owners for the incredible support of skateboarding they provided by seeing it as the positive and constructive lifestyle and activity that it is-when for years that was not the popular opinion.
The Dept. would also like to thank the many thousands of amazing skateboarders who shared some of their skateboarding experiences with us. The skaters themselves are what truly makes skateboarding the best.
Stay tuned and we’ll see you out skating.
-The Dept.
[Jason,Garric,Hayes,Shawn,TSpence,TBrown,Early,Cube,Normine,Manson,Richardson,Compton,CDubs,McCloud,Manny,Joe D.,Birdie,Dan,Kyle,JakeO,Paul Anderson,B.Mohr,and all the locs.]