CRIDDLER 2 VIDEO PREMIERE Thursday night @ The Dept!!

Oh no they didn’t..
Yes they did.
The long awaited follow-up to the infamous Tales from the Criddler will be premiering tomorrow night at 9PM at The Dept. Executive Producer Justin Bemis has just put the finishing touches on his latest coming of age story about love, loss, bandanas, 22s, and Lil’ Wayne. Portland street shredding at it’s finest, as well as a heavy dose of the antics that have come to define a Criddler generation. Mom’s, you may want Billy to steer clear of this premiere as it carries a Parental Advisory.
Free is a very good price so roll by The Dept. tomorrow night after the last session and check the Criddler 2 premiere!!

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3 Responses to “CRIDDLER 2 VIDEO PREMIERE Thursday night @ The Dept!!”

  1. cheese steak says:

    will sweaty me there?

  2. Aiden Edwards says:

    This is what happens when you hang around with Lil Wayne

  3. Ari Mcconnell says:

    I STILL LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!