Yes, this was filmed at The Dept…

No, we didn’t know it would end up being this pun intended.
The story we got was filming a Winter X Games commercial that focused more on skateboarding than snowboarding. Willis was involved and he definitely shreds so we figured that would be cool. D. Kass even rips, but never, ever, was Totinos mentioned in the deal. Not that there’s anything wrong with Totinos. Had we known that, we could’ve got Gabe and Ben involved and they’d skate for free pizza rolls. Moral of the story: Sometimes things aren’t what they seem.

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3 Responses to “Yes, this was filmed at The Dept…”

  1. so whay says:

    so what if it was for Totinos? Everything is done for something these days. Better Totino’s than anything else! There is no free lunch (no pun intended) And Totino’s is sponsoring a free trip to the X-Games! That is pretty sweet!

  2. Jackson says:

    hahaha I’m sorry that sucks!!!!!

  3. Harsh says:

    this really sucks…
    like really really sucks