Footy from the last 2 Lock-Ins!!

Here’s a little clip that shows just a sliver of the shredding that went down during the last two Lock-Ins. Unfortunately, one of Hayes’ tapes with footage from the last Lock-In got damaged so some lines got lost. Sorry guys. You can tell all your friends that your switch back heel down the 3 must have been on that tape, so that’s why it didn’t get in the video. Guys were definitely ripping!! How about Colton’s manny up-to stall-to fakie manny-fakie flip out? In a line? Colton’s the only kid we know with a built in reverse fake i.d. , other than The Dr.
Thanks Hayes. See you at the next Lock-In!!

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7 Responses to “Footy from the last 2 Lock-Ins!!”

  1. Tris says:

    That lock in was tight . Look at the kid in purple thats me


    damn look at 2:32, those two tricks with the guy in the white is me. that first trick is a beanplant airwalk. pause it and check out where my feet are

  3. STICKS says:

    so sick

  4. Gabe Needham says:

    that was soooo fun

  5. Ben Campbell says:

    jhhhfhhggh i like to smell things like paper and animals

  6. Peter says:

    Anyone know the name of the song thats playing???

  7. BsFlipsForNever says:
