HOLIDAY HAVOC contest video

Holiday Havoc Contest Video from Hayes on Vimeo.

Here is some more contest footage taken by Mike McCloud and Darren Dyk. Super sick stuff went down. Thanks to everyone who helped

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9 Responses to “HOLIDAY HAVOC contest video”

  1. Trevor Ward says:

    sooo sick, but dang my flip frontnose on the hubba wasn’t in there.. ha

  2. Jake Brown says:

    That dudes 360 flip front foot catch down the 7 is just to pimp. Then he does a double flip 360flip up the eruo gap. How old and who is he please?

  3. dept says:

    His name is Stefan Janosk… oh wait, Peter McClelland. Age? Could have a driver’s license but still needs a fake i.d. Peter, are you 17?

    -The Dept.

  4. michael says:

    major lulz at kales part

  5. peter pan says:

    Steezy ass online school tres

  6. peter mcclelland says:

    No im 16.

  7. Jake Brown says:

    I’ve been practicing my 360 flips like mcclellands. I think were going to have to have a battle at the department. I am always secretly watching you skate flat ground there. I know what tricks you got and don’t. So don’t be shocked if someone comes up to you and ask you to play skate… Also I was busting the big 3 hubba, and you just started to warm up right in my landing spot… So I feel like I owe you one… Ladies night, battle at the department. Be prepared! All tha sweeties going be like “Dam, thats hot”

  8. I'm gonna be there! says:

    I wanna watch Mcclelland get his skateboard handed to him!

  9. peter mcclelland says:

    jake brown you sound kinda creepy to me. You make no sense