
What do you want to bet that’s Baca’s tag on the stairs? Couldn’t you see him writing “Gofer”?
Brian Baca with a big nollie sans noseslide.

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8 Responses to “B-A-C-A”

  1. baca says:

    thats not my tag, Thanks for putting it up

  2. cody says:

    gofer hahahaha kyle…

  3. phil says:

    it is always good to see a baca photo.

  4. Z says:

    Hell yeah Baca, that stair is big.

  5. Will Houlihan says:

    Nice nollie Baca!

  6. Spencer Crimin says:

    Gofer is some middle aged white dude who lives in SW Portland. Definitely not Baca.

  7. The actual Kyle Hannon says:

    Yea…baca…hahaha…get some!! EXIT REAL WORLD

  8. Ramsey says:

    that’s sick keep rippin’ brian