Sorry Melanie.

There’s a saying, “Being a jackass means sometimes having to say you’re sorry.” I’m pretty sure somebody important and famous said it originally. Anyway, meeting the criteria so well I now find myself in that position. So here goes. For any of you that participated in the Go Skateboarding Day Video Challenge v.3.0 you may have noticed that one of the ridiculous challenges this year was to go to Daddie’s Board Shop and film a team member asking some strangers a goofy question. When I first had the idea for that challenge it sounded like a funny and harmless enough thing to do. I didn’t however think about what chaos it was going to cause their store when 30 goofs show up with video cameras while they’re trying to run a business. Suffice it to say, my poor judgement caused them some serious headaches and hurt feelings which weren’t intended but unfortunately resulted. I won’t go into the details but being the much bigger person (which isn’t saying much for me since she’s very petite) Melanie chose to overlook my stupidity and forgive me so now this is my apology.
To Melanie and everyone at Daddie’s that had to put up with that stuff that day, I sincerely apologize. In no way was I trying to piss you off or hurt feelings or an any way damage your business. It was all about being stupid and doing stupid stuff on a day that is intended to recognize the fun of skateboarding and everything about it. Please accept my apology. If you’d like to retaliate against me in any way I give you complete permission and will even help brainstorm ideas and ways to get even. I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. Once again, sorry for my poor judgement and lapse of reasoning ability.

-Kyle Reynolds
Total Goof

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