Keeping with the theme.


Another kickflip with adidas on the feet, here’s Davies flinging one. Talk about a dude possessing the flick/catch. Three guesses on who’s got bgps. Red jeans will give you away every time.

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4 Responses to “Keeping with the theme.”

  1. kyle hannon says:

    whoever it is in the backround with red pants is a fag….that is a seriously horrible image to portray…i hope he doesnt think he is being original…its like a girl when your in a horrible relationship that always wants the attention…”hey look at my ugly red pants…im so different!!”

  2. bigboy says:

    did you ollie strait over that or is there a bump there somewhere….that looks crazy…

  3. king clifford says:

    Adidas sucks man, come on get better kicks like nike S.B’s or nike 6.0’s. But nice trick ad like big boy said dod you ollie that straight?

  4. nik says:

    dude… i skate there all the time