What are you looking at in this photo?

Sure, the majority of you are checking out Koston wearing some red shoes with swooshes on the side. Some others are probably noticing that everyone in the photo is more than likely tweeting. Focus your gaze just to the left of the thumbs down sign being tossed out and what do you see? Does that dude look eerily similar to a certain someone who may or may not have transplanted down south recently in search of skate stardom?

Photo swiped from Boil the Ocean

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9 Responses to “What are you looking at in this photo?”

  1. criddler says:

    looks kinda pasty, probably this white kid: http://vimeo.com/3648978

  2. tbrown says:

    is that Mike Houcho?

  3. Jerry says:

    looks kinda like your lurkin silly nickles, sick photo none zee less

  4. Jerry says:

    if koston is going to SB i have a feelin PRod is getting the baby powder ready…

  5. biscutt says:


  6. jake says:

    dude p-rod and froston are homeboys

  7. Sean Schulz says:

    Froston going to sb?
    I know he left lakai, so sb? I hope that would be bomb if he got his own shoe from sb tooo 😀

  8. jake j says:


  9. Garrett says:

    hahaha compton