Joey’s Criddler Clip

We haven’t been diligent in checking in on the Criddler Clips of the Week so this clip is out of chronological order but nonetheless sick. Joe Hargrave, and what can only be described as “putting Too-Small-atin in a chokehold.”

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6 Responses to “Joey’s Criddler Clip”

  1. BA says:

    joeys weak!!!!!!! hahahahaha

  2. erikeating says:


  3. Compton says:

    joey lets grab our board and sit at dept all day and lurk.

  4. Ben says:

    Haha, Too-Small-Atin. That’s funny…

  5. Gabe Needham says:

    sick line

  6. shari says:

    i love skating i rock im the best suckers