Brotherly Love.

Manson came by and said we absolutely had to check out the double line Erik and Kyle got at the park. Very impressive, but what about that hug at the end? Creepy? Well, twins do have an intense bond. Gabe and Ben, where are your hugs?

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14 Responses to “Brotherly Love.”

  1. Tim says:

    god. They’re so good

  2. Gabe Luna says:

    i hate my brother ben douche.

  3. Hayes says:

    Who needs a HUG?

  4. da woodsta says:

    woah pop-shove it to late kickflip and 180 late varial siiiiiiiick! and in the same line with no editing!

  5. labe and len buna says:

    labe and len love hugs

  6. A Dubs says:

    I think I witnessed the Manchester twins perform the same line in the early nineties. Damn, those guys were witty.

  7. ryan says:

    erik doin it down the 7777777!!!! awwwww shit

  8. trevor ward says:

    erik, kyle you guess never stop impressing everyone…

  9. trevor ward says:

    guys* aha

  10. Ben Luna says:

    I love my brother more than anything else in the world

  11. Gabe Luna says:

    I love you Ben Luna my brother awesome dooooood ever yeah mini ramp shredda whoooooooooooooooooooo merry christmas

  12. Ben Campbell says:

    scoop this!

  13. Tanner Iverson says:

    i played kyle in skate..guess who won

  14. Ben Luna says:

    BEN-“Gabe i have a joke for you… knock knock!”
    Gabe-“Whos there?”
    BEN-“Your brother, ben, and i will always be here for you”

    Mmm Serum and Briskets”