Lance has ups.


There is just no 2 ways about it. Normine can get up. After he ollied this, he turned around and ollied back the other direction.

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14 Responses to “Lance has ups.”

  1. tv says:

    pino, early, and now lance…..gnarly

  2. Xeno Miller says:

    What about Taj?

  3. bacon rules! says:


  4. MATT HANSON says:


  5. kyle hannon says:

    Ryan bailey did this switch and regular also switch 180d it

  6. baca says:

    so no one has seen ryan bailey’s.

  7. kyle hannon says:

    Lance is fakin the funk anyways…not interesting at all. He is gonna be the next reese forbes or danny wainwright just going around doing ollies and back smiths everywhere….or just try to go gnarly everybody has been there and done that…maybe he should go be a stunt man in hollywood…hahaha

  8. garric says:

    Hey Kyle,

    Hope your joking man…. because you know who hasn’t ollied it…. You! And you what’s funny he didn’t even want to shoot a photo of it because he thought it was lame….. I had to talk him into it…

  9. Josh Bond says:

    I am just glad Kyle got up the balls to say it, someone had to.

    Don’t believe everything you see or read.

  10. The actual Kyle Hannon says:

    its rad how people are such marks that they use mine and matt hansons names to talk sh#t about lance! lance is a good friend of mine and he is sick and so is this ollie! and for the f#gs that used our names, ryan bailey never did anything over that bar! lance is the first that i know of! so keep ripping lance and sorry about the people that have nothing better to do with there time!

  11. Trevor says:

    thanks for all the pig wheels kyle, you’re WAY better than lance anyways……………

  12. samuel boren says:

    why would you even talk sh#t about this

  13. kyle hannon says:

    im not joking…and you should have listened to him! HE WAS RIGHT!

  14. Ransom says:

    So.. you can talk trash behind a computer screen… and you only comment bad on photo’s everyone else likes… how original you really want attention that bad…? instead of hating, try and go outside with noise canceling headphones and a blindfold on and walk down I-5 south going north. Thanks F@G..

    Good Photo Garric.