Wanna bet?

Sometimes you got to make things interesting when you’re trying to make your trick. “I’ll bet you a burger.” “I’ll bet you a slurpee that I make the next one.” “If I don’t make this, I’ll wear a Tupac bandana all day long at work.” Sometimes you gotta stop while you’re ahead. TSpence paid up all day on Saturday.

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6 Responses to “Wanna bet?”

  1. tris says:

    hhhhhhhhaaaahhhhaaaa he is going down.

  2. RickyB says:

    Dude I Want a slurpee!

  3. bacon rules! says:

    thats funny

  4. nig says:

    AL BORLAND………………….i dont think so tim

  5. cdubble says:

    tommy your a dirty skank you need to answer your phone….. or things like this happen….. punk ass

  6. RapStar says:

    U think this is funny ? A wanker like u don`t know how even to wear a bandana ! Looser !