Guess What Trick…


Mike D is Doing..

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24 Responses to “Guess What Trick…”

  1. Jon says:

    Switch nose grind or five-o?

  2. goldman says:

    keep guessing.

  3. Jaaaaaake says:

    back 180 switch nose grind braaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh…..

  4. CHARLEY says:

    me thinks it’s a backflip handstand Cheeze-flip!

    Nah, lol, im just kidding! omg! it’s a 5-0

  5. Visiting Portland says:

    That looks like a park ledge, does anyone know where it is?

  6. bigpapes says:

    Gresham shuffle

  7. jerkyboy says:

    i think he’s doing a freefall from a hovering helicopter straight to a late stalefish grab fakie switch 5-0……but it’s just a guess…..

  8. skateornotâ„¢ says:

    Secret Seattle spot. Never a bust and those metal edges were placed in the ledge specifically by the Seattle to encourage skating.

    If I had to guess I’d say, BS 180 to fakie 5.0.

  9. dirk says:

    razor tail switch 5’s??

  10. steven says:

    fakie backside nosegrind

  11. tv says:

    only the doctor knows….

  12. TIM says:


  13. Andrew says:

    It was probably a backside 180 to 5-0

  14. levi says:

    bs 5-0 shove out

  15. Keith Stokes says:

    regular foot five o grind

  16. tjazz(thomas) says:

    same as levi. bs 5-0 shuv-it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe switch nose grind.

  17. milllll says:

    back five-o stall

  18. Sev says:

    Switch 5-0 shuv-it out.

  19. Raine says:

    nollie big-spin swith 5-0 shove-it out

  20. Raine says:


  21. Ben says:

    Nollie 180 switch 5-0

  22. tris says:

    switch five “o”

  23. tris says:

    may be just a five’o

  24. ZAKALAKA says:

    it doesnt really look like the dudes moving… exept for the blurry hands…
    and his feet are like… perfect!!!(bolts and tail)
    so i think he just stood up there and waved his hands around in a switch 5-0 pose.