Bowl Relayered!

birch boosh!

Paul, Cube, Kyle and the crew did an amazing job on the resurfacing of the bowl. Solid baltic birch ply. Diamond corners might be the wave of the future. Anyways, you gotta ride this thing. Nothing but rave reviews. Way faster, way brighter and way less slippery.

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2 Responses to “Bowl Relayered!”

  1. Joe says:

    I have been loving this bowl! This is my favorite thing in Portland to skate right now. Now if only they would do something about that mini ramp. Sticky coping and slippery wood. Shouldn’t it be the opposite?

  2. Pablo says:

    Oh… this is so good to see! I had a local skater come through line at Hot Lips Pizza and he told me that they were taking the bowl out! Not making it better. I hope to hit it up this next week!
