Flip Friday Night Winner #5


Danny Uyematsu held the winning #s this week and came up on a Mark Appleyard deck at Flip Friday Night. Next Friday, Nov. 16th will be the ultimate Flip Friday Night as The Dept. will be hosting the Feast Tour and will have the entire Flip team on hand live and in person. It’s still not 100% sure, but Danny may be called in as a backup skater in case Appleyard isn’t skating good that night. Make sure you’re ready Danny. Congratulations Danny!!

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4 Responses to “Flip Friday Night Winner #5”

  1. Andrew says:

    Welcome to the cool kids club
    we have to jump you in though
    watch out

  2. Cevin says:

    Nice job danny

  3. sara tackett says:

    HEY DANNY WAT UP?!?my friends adore you so much one of them have a pic of you on there binder:)people that want to say hi:TYLER GROSE,CONNER PRICE,MARISSA PELHAM(tori crowells best friend),me sara tackett,CODY CARTER AND YOUR CUZ ALEX EPSTIEN………bye:)

  4. Tori says:

    Hi im Tori. I know your brother and alex epstein. Dont listen to that Sara person, she dosent know shit. Nobodys obsessed with you and no one has a picture of you on their binder.I know her and shes a bitch.